Sunday, August 10, 2014

One down and One to go!

Wow! What an accomplishment! I am feeling pretty proud of myself right now, to say the least. I probably could have done better on the corners of the binding, though for my first quilt binding I am pretty happy with the results, although they're far from perfect! 

Above: This is the first step of adding the binding, where it is attached by machine to the back of the quilt. In the second photo, you can see how I then turned the quilt right-side-up and stitched it down to create a finished binding for the edge all the way around.


Here is the finished quilt - Perfect size for a toddler! 


 Here is a close-up of one of the corners. As I said, not perfect and I got better towards the last corner, though I'm pretty happy for my first attempt!

Over the next week or so I will be working towards finishing the circle quilt I started working on a few weeks back (Need to finish up on stitching rows together and then binding). I also need to finish the second Peppa Pig quilt. I have everything I need now to complete these two quilts so more to come soon!

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